The Linux Foundation is setting new standards for voice technology with partners such as Microsoft, Deutsche Telekom and the Schwarz Group in the Open Voice Network.
The Linux Foundation has announced two projects with which it aims to help settle the choppy waters of machine learning: the Open Voice Network (OVN), and the CDLA-Permissive-2.0 licence for machine learning datasets.
The network was created as a “proactive response to combating deep fakes in AI-based voice technology,” says Mike Dolan, Senior VP at the Linux Foundation.
Veritone introduced, an end-to-end Voice-as-a-Service (VaaS) product that creates “hyper-realistic” synthetic voices, which personalities can use to record endorsement spots and product testimonials.
Traffic and pedestrian stops are an essential part of policing, important in apprehending criminal offenders and necessary for protecting the public from distracted, impaired or reckless drivers and other dangers.
Over the last twelve months, Veritone's revenue grew by 30%. We respect that sort of growth, no doubt. The revenue growth is decent but the share price had an even better year, gaining 161%.
Soon, complying with data collection policies during and after traffic and pedestrian stops will become part of the daily duties of many American law enforcement officers.
Veritone releases, an end-to-end Voice-as-a-Service (VaaS) product that creates hyper-realistic synthetic voices, which personalities can use to record endorsement spots and product testimonials.
Today, US firm Veritone is launching a new platform called Marvel.AI that will let creators, media figures, and others generate deepfake clones of their voice to license as they wish.