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Energy Forecasting

Can AI-Powered Energy Forecasting & Optimization Software Save America’s Power Grid?

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed how the complexities of today’s energy grid are creating unprecedented challenges for transmission systems operators (TSOs), distribution system operators (DSOs), equipment providers, energy aggregators, and the communities they serve. These challenges manifest in different ways, such as price volatility and grid unreliability. But at its core, the...

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AI Content Management

AI is taking the limelight in media and entertainment

The amount of content we are creating and consuming is astronomical. This content can be snackable, user-generated short-form to long-form movies and documentaries, episodic series and reality shows, sports, news, and talk shows. The task of viewing even a sliver of what is created in a single day now exceeds several human lifetimes.  That’s not...

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Empowering Remote Contact Centers With AI Digital Workers

Empowering Remote Contact Centers With AI Digital Workers

Contact centers represent the tip of the spear when it comes to customer interface. However, these centers frequently fail to deliver satisfactory service and responsiveness. To address this challenge, contact centers have leveraged solutions like interactive voice response (IVR) solutions, which require callers to navigate voice prompts and menus to determine their needs. But customers...

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Low-Cost Renewable Energy

The Move to Reliable, Low-Cost Renewable Energy

Using AI to Predict Energy Needs and Stabilize the Grid The Challenge The US energy grid was originally designed around centralized power generation and regional distribution networks to provide safe, affordable, and reliable electricity to every American. And historically, it has performed this function very well. However, the energy grid of today suffers from a...

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Veritone Uplift Study

How Attribution with AI Can Uplift Broadcast TV and Radio Advertising

by Paul Cramer – Managing Director of Enterprise Radio Solutions In the world of radio and television advertising, attribution has been difficult to demonstrate. While digital advertising has afforded more discrete measurement through device IDs and other unique identifiers, broadcast has been harder to track as an offline medium. Because of this, some advertisers may...

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5 Reasons Why Ad Attribution Can Boost Broadcast Advertising

Traditional broadcast TV advertising faces constant competition from streaming services, social media, the web and podcasting. That competition is only growing as consumers have more options than ever for entertainment and news.  In the face of this competition as well as cord-cutting, it’s tough to justify the large ad spend that TV advertising commands. People...

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Pulse of AI’s Role in TV

Taking the Pulse of AI’s Role in TV

Making the modern TV experience seamless and simple is laborious. Despite technological leaps, complex behind-the-scenes processes need to happen in order to offer television customers the experience they expect from streaming services and traditional linear broadcast.  Tasks like metadata creation, captioning, content licensing and post-production work to fit media onto ever-changing delivery and packaging needs...

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AI Government

AI is Revolutionizing How Government Operates

Artificial intelligence is poised to be the new power tool that allows government agencies to serve the people better.  At Veritone’s CES keynote on AI deployment and integration strategies in government earlier this year, we imagined a path toward enabling flexible and secure AI deployments at scale for government agencies. Now that COVID-19 has upended...

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