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Announcing the Launch of Veritone Voice, A New Voice as a Service Solution

How AI-Enabled Synthetic Voice Will Help Media Companies, Brands, and Influencers Accelerate and Amplify Content Creation Summary: Content creators of all kinds face serious challenges in overcoming content production caps and localizing and personalizing content cost-effectively  Synthetic voice helps bridge the content gap media companies, advertisers, celebrities, athletes, and influencers currently face  Veritone Voice is...

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Growing Influencer Marketing with AI-Enabled Synthetic Voice Technology

Growing Influencer Marketing with AI-Enabled Synthetic Voice Technology

How Celebrities, Athletes, and Influencers Can Monetize and Protect Their Voices Summary:  Influencer marketing makes up one fifth of advertisers’ budgets and shows signs of strong growth  Both macro and micro-influencers have plenty of revenue opportunities with some the world’s leading brands With synthetic voice technology, celebrities, athletes, and influencers can scale their opportunities without...

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Make Your Voice Heard

Make Your Voice Heard

AI-enabled Synthetic Voice Is Poised to Solve the Media and Content Creation Gap  Online content consumption soared during the pandemic, rising 215% in the US during 2020 to nearly seven hours a day. The surge extended across all media formats, including connected TV devices, social media platforms, streaming platforms, and podcasts. The latest statistics show...

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How Veritone Aims to Support Mid-Market Independent Broadcast Radio Stations

Summary Veritone joined the Independent Broadcast Association to help its members solve the challenges they face through knowledge share and the power of technology. Veritone recently joined the Independent Broadcasters Association (IBA) Mid-market independent broadcast stations have been under supported and need a way to quantify their value to advertisers We recently showed how Veritone...

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Contact Center

Veritone Interaction Analytics Opens up New Vistas of Contact Center Customer Insight

In today’s world with remote customer demand at an all-time high, today’s contact centers struggle with agent overload and burnout, skyrocketing cost and resolution time per case, slow responsiveness to customer needs, and missed upsell opportunities. AI-based assistants are needed to ingest and analyze customer communications,  and generate useful information about customer interactions, driving higher...

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Alteryx Blog

From Past Insight to Present Action – aiWARE for Alteryx Delivers Real Time Intelligent Process Automation

aiWARE for Alteryx expands the Alteryx data universe to 100% of data sources–structured and unstructured. Pre-integrated AI engines for speech, vision and text can answer questions that previously required countless hours of costly and error-prone manual review of video, images, audio files, documents and emails, making this type of insight nearly impossible without the help...

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Optimizing Residential and Commercial Microgrids for Resilience with AI

One of the great challenges of managing the US electricity grid is the presence of distributed energy resources (DERs) that are behind-the-meter and beyond the direct control of grid operators. Although residential and commercial investments in solar PV, batteries, and other DERs are helping to make the grid greener, they also create unprecedented headaches for...

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Alteryx Blog

Three Ways That Veritone aiWARE for Alteryx Can Deliver Powerful AI Capabilities to Your Organization

The world is filled with data, but the vast majority of this information–80% in total–is in unstructured form. Significant business value lies trapped in an organization’s unstructured data stores. Rather than automatically extracting and understanding this data, many organizations employ expensive human resources to painstakingly review, locate and extract needed data and insight. To address...

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Energy Trading

Real-Time Energy Trading – Know the Right Price Every Time

For decades, energy has closely followed the law of supply and demand, with these factors being the primary drivers behind pricing. In recent years, however, with the rise of distributed clean energy resources, new drivers have emerged – from weather to device parameter constraints to transmission limitations – that also impact the supply and price...

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