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Machine Box is growing up: Why we joined Veritone

We started Machine Box because we wanted to open the potential of machine learning to developers of all skill levels, and to teams who don’t have exuberant budgets or armies of people to throw at a problem. Machina is sporting Veritone colours to celebrate the coming together of the two companies. Our customers have built...

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Boost your face recognition accuracy with this quick step

I admit, we’ve made it almost too easy to deploy a state-of-the-art face recognition machine learning model. So easy in fact, the only thing you need to know to try it for yourself is how to copy and paste commands into Terminal (and how to open a web browser). It’s great to make things so simple, but...

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Veritone aiWARE Now Supports RelativityOne for Proactive Compliance and E-Discovery in the Cloud

Veritone’s aiWARE has now expanded its e-discovery capabilities by supporting the SaaS version of the Relativity e-discovery platform, RelativityOne. This new integration, which is in addition to the previously supported integration between Veritone aiWARE and Relativity’s on-premise version, enables evidentiary or regulatory audio and video to be interrogated in the cloud for actionable intelligence. Clients...

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AI is Helping Political Candidates Exercise their Right to Equal Airtime

This year’s primary elections are far from sleepy. Immigration is just one of the various contentious issues raised by candidates across many states, especially as Democrats are protesting against President Trump’s policies across the country. In efforts to win, gaining valuable broadcasting airtime is as critical as making phone calls and canvassing to convert the...

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Digital Asset Management in the Cloud

Robin Melhuish, Director of Customer Solutions, discusses who needs a cloud digital asset management solution, why companies should stay away from "home-grown" asset management, and why metadata is so important for your content.

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The Dangers of Bias in AI

Businesses are piling on the investments to gain an edge in artificial intelligence, but the emerging technology comes with the unintended consequence of bias.  Chad Steelberg, CEO and Chairman of Veritone, shared with Cheddar the dangers of bias in AI and the importance of removing prejudice from artificial intelligence. View the video interview here  

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